A blog about reenacting and living history.
Memorial Day 2010
The Reenactor Post would like to express a deep and heartfelt ‘thank you’ to all servicemen and women, past and present, for their service to our country. We would also like to take this moment to remember those who have given their lives in the cause of Freedom. Thank you all and God Bless!
WVRA School of the Soldier
The town of Rowlesburg, WV played host to the annual WVRA School of the soldier again this year, on the weekend of May 1st. This was a small event with probably no more than fifteen to a side. There was a small spectated reenactment of the Battle of Rowlesburg on Saturday, which was probably more…
Invitation: 1930s Living History Reenactors
We received this inviation from our friends at Arthurdale Heritage today: Arthurdale Heritage and the New Deal Festival planning committee would like to invite living history hobbyists and reenactors to dress up in their 1930s “Sunday best†and come out to the New Deal Festival in Arthurdale, WV on July 10, 2010. We’re looking for…
New Event Notice – Operation Market Garden
Operation Market-Garden Reenactment Memorial Weekend Hosted by: SS-Pz.Abt. 102, Aufklrungszug and 101st Airborne Division PIR 501 September 10-12, 2010 Scottdale , PA http://www.westover tonvillage. org Presented by the West Overton Re-enactor Society On September 17, 1944 thousands of paratroopers descended from the sky by parachute or glider up to 150 km behind enemy lines. Their…
Local Events You Don’t Want to Miss!
I wanted to give everyone a quick preview of some great events coming up in North Central West Virginia over the next few months. First of all, is the 5th Annual WWII Living History Weekend in Rowlesburg, WV on the weekend of June 19, 2010. This is West Virginia’s premier WWII event. Located in the…
A Hidden Treasure
On April 24, Mark Tennant and I drove to Oakland, MD for a scheduled Civil War living history. We were to meet up with some other reenactors at the gazebo by the train station, however, to our dismay, we learned that there had been a glitch and the event had been cancelled, but no one…
The following is a review of an event in Petersburg, WV by our correspondent, Nick Korolev: The last full weekend of April in Petersburg, WV sees the three day Spring Mountain Festival. This year it ran April 23-25. One of the big events for the weekend is the Civil War Train which runs on Saturday…
Return to Jollytown
Last year, on May 4th, to be exact, Mark Tennant wrote in this space, about our trip to the villages of Brave and Jollytown, PA to visit the graves of Civil War soldiers. On Sunday, April 18th, Mark and I once again journeyed to these villages to again visit the graves of Union Civil War…
Below is an article by our correspondent, Nick Korolev, concerning a recent Civil War living history event in Virginia: On Saturday, April 10th a living history of Lee’s Surrender plus the last battle that led up to it was presented at the Clover Hill Village just a mile from the historic site at the McLean…
Civil War Ball- WVRA 2010
The West Virginia Reenactors Association held its annual Spring Ball on Saturday, April 10 at Christ Episcopal Church in Clarksburg, WV. The dance is held in an annex which built around 1870 and probably served as a venue for Christmas and Easter plays and other church and Sunday School productions. The main part of the …
Hurricane Civil War Event 2010
The annual Hurricane Bridge/Scary Creek Civil War weekend took place on the weekend of March 27-28 at Hurricane, WV. Thanks to my hosts, Bill and Linda Donegan for putting up with me so I could attend again this year. This event is sponsored by the Putnam County Visitor’s Bureau. The hosts are friendly and go…
MTA 2010 – Beautiful weather- Great time!
The title says it all. March 20-21 was a great weekend for the annual Military Through the Ages event at Jamestown Settlement. Despite having been out at Newville the previous week and dreading the 7-hour drive, I still felt compelled to attend. I’m glad I did. This was even better than last year. I don’t…
Reenacting Podcasts – Something New
We received this today from Alena and Stephen Shumway and thought it might be of general interest to our readers: If you would not mind posting this, we’d appreciate it. Living History, the podcast for the reenacting community is looking for feedback. We started producing a podcast (otherwise known as an internet radio show) for…
Fire and Rain – Newville 2010
James Taylor may not have been at Newville this past weekend (March 12-13), but there was a lot of firing and plenty of rain…not to mention mud. Despite this, the hardy reenactors who ventured out into the trenches seemed to have a rip-roaring time. The event at the Great War Association site was sponsored by…
Our correspondent, Nick Korolev, recently attended an interesting workshop in Winchester, Virginia, and files this report: For those who wish to know more about it, living history impressionists belong to the branch of historical reenactment that goes beyond the recreation of famous battles or setting up a historically accurate camp. These living historians brings to…
Old Bedford – The Axis Perspective
Here is a report on the OBV tactical from the German perspective by Bill Donegan: Report of Elbe Tactical. It was cold enough to freeze the _____off a brass monkey at Old Bedford last week-end Feb 20, 21, 22, 2010. Thanks goes out to Gilbert White, Roger Bombard, Ray Partenheimer, the Second Gebirgs and Et…
Mercersburg’s Most Historic House Attracts Penn State Professors
This is the latest update on the situation on the historic Smith House in Mercersburg, PA, from Karen Ramsburg: The Justice William Smith House, circa 1759 is gaining recognition after two distinguished Penn State Professors of History and Art/Architecture have taken an interest in the property. Dr. William Pencak respected author and historian and Dr.…
Old Bedford Village Tactical Event -February 2010
On the weekend of February 20th, I accompanied Bill Donegan to Old Bedford Village for the second annual ‘Elbe Crossing’ event, sponsored by the 2nd Gebirgs. Yeah, I know there are those who can’t stand Elbe events because this sort of contact between Soviet and Western Allied forces during the war was extremely rare, and…
Crossing of the Chesapeake
We received this notice from Lt. William King, USN concerning an interesting event upcoming in May. It sounds like a fascinating endeavor and should be of particular interest to those of the maritime pursuasion. Good luck and Godspeed to all involved: On May 15-16 2010 a crew of 10 will attempt to row and sail…
Fort Indiantown Gap – 2009
The 2010 reenacting season kicked off for me and many others with the annual Battle of the Bulge reenactment at FIG. Once again I rode along with Bill and Linda Donegan, who were kind enough to chauffeur me where I needed to go. I went as Volkssturm this year and was housed with the German…
New Feature: Reenactor Post Classified Ads
We recently added a new feature to the website that we thought our readers might be interested in taking advantage of – Reenactor Post Classified Ads. If you are anything like us, you probably have gear you don’t need anymore or are looking for something you don’t have, so we thought this feature would be…
Last WWI Veteran
As many of you know, the last living WWI veteran lives in West Virginia’s Eastern Panhandle. He recently celebrated his 109th birthday. The story was covered by the Charleston (WV) Daily Mail: “CHARLES TOWN, W.Va. (AP) – America’s last surviving World War I veteran is now 109. Frank Woodruff Buckles celebrated his birthday Monday with…
WWII – Two Upcoming Events
After you get done with all your shopping at FIG, it will be time to start getting ready for the first two Eastern Front events in the southern PA area. The first is: The Elbe Crossing February 20, 2010, at Old Bedford Village. The scenario is the final days of the Reich. All Allied units…
Documentry Film Site
I received this email from Liz Cook regarding an internet site which allows viewers to watch documentary films for free. I checked it out and it looks fascinating. There may be something there that interests you: Hope this email finds you well. As you can see from my email, I work for SnagFilms, an online…
Stonewall Jackson’s Birthday
Thanks to Sue Prager for forwarding the following announcement to us: A public buffet and a program by noted Civil War historian Dr. Bob Meadows will be held on Friday, January 22 at WVU Jackson’s Mill to mark the birthday of Stonewall Jackson. The buffet will run from 5-7pm at Mount Vernon Dining Hall, featuring…
Movie Review – 36 Hours
If we run short of new historically-based movies to review, there are always plenty great old ones to rediscover. This is one that I had somehow missed but recently was pleased to pick up. It was made in 1965 and stars James Garner, Rod Taylor and Eva Marie Saint. Shot in black and white, it…
Reb and Yank Go to Court – Sue-val War?
Apparently a couple of Virginia reenactors at last year’s reenactment of the Battle of Stannardsville took things just a bit too far and ended up in court. According to AccessAtlanta: “The men were playing cavalry officers in a re-enactment of the Battle of Stanardsville. The Confederate re-enactor claims his Union counterpart knocked his hat off.…
Reenactor Cannon Stolen
Here is a recent post off the Red Army list: Please keep your eyes, and ears open! Slightly off topic but a reenacting unit’s canon and all its equipment was stolen recently in Michigan. If everyone in the reenacting “community” could keep their eye out, it might be helpful. Spread the word to members of…
Book Review-“Destined to Witness”
The following is a review of a most interesting book by Bill Donegan: When Linda was at the Eisenhower Farm event this past September, she visited the 99Th infantry US Army. They had a book table, One of the books that caught her eye was entitled “Destined to Witness” by Hans J.. Massaquoi. On the…
Happy New Year!
Thanks to our readers for all your comments and contributions over the past year. 2009 was an up and down year for history enthusiasts. The country’s economic woes hit the reenacting community and made it difficult for quite a few to take part in the hobby to the extent they would like. We won a…
WWII -Ostfront 2010 – Lugoff, SC
We have received the following information on the February Eastern Front event in South Carolina: This is a brief message about the Lugoff, South Carolina, Eastern Front event to be held FEB. 19-21, 2010. The hosting units for both sides are: IR134 (German) and the 13th Guards (Soviet). Registration 1200 Friday – 0800 Saturday $15…
Merry Christmas! Try a WW2 Holiday Recipe
Merry Christmas to one and all out there and if you are looking for a holiday recipe to introduce to the family, try this 0ne that I got from Bill Donegan. It is a period WWII dish: Jim, I was given this compliments of Larry and Kay Shedwick, WW2 Home-front Collectors: WW2 Spam Bean Bake…
Mercersburg – A Further Discussion
As part of coverage of the ongoing fight to save the Justice William Smith House, we present more discussion by Tim McCown in the Philadelphia Progressive Examiner : “Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory is when both sides of an argument allow emotion to trump common sense. In the case of the Justice William…
Does Anyone Care About American History Anymore?
The following is a link sent to us by Karen Ramsburg concerning the Smith House in Mercersburg, PA. We ran an article about it earlier this year. It would appear that things have taken a turn for the worse. Once again, we seem to have short-sighted local officials who don’t seem to give a hoot…
Here is a report from Nick Korolev on the December 5 Civil War weekend at Old Bedford Village: Saturday, December 5 was the first installment in Old Bedford Village’s Old Fashioned Christmas Evening two weekend event. First weekend is 19th Century and Dec. 12th will be 18th Century. The living history group I am with…
Remembrance Day Weekend 2009 – Gettysburg,PA
The following is a report from Nick Korolev on this year’s Gettysburg Remembrance Day: Remembrance Day in Gettysburg, PA gives all reenactors and living historians a time and place to gather to officially honor those who gave their last full measure for what they believed in. This year the weather could not have been better…
UPDATE: Remagen and its Bridge
Last month we told you about Marion County, WV 6th grader Josh Baroni and his social studies project about the bridge at Remagen during WWII. Yesterday, he won first place at the Marion County Social Studies fair and will be going to the regional competition in March. Congratulations Josh! Since his initial entry in the…
Eastern Front – Old Bedford Village 2009
On November 13-14, German forces once again occupied Old Bedford Village and were confronted by the inexorable tide of the Red Army. This was of course, the annual fall battle between Grossdeutschland Division and the 193rd Rifle Division. Other groups in attendance included 11th Panzer (and one Bulgarian) on the Axis side and the 9th…
A Reenactor’s Christmas List – Cyber Monday Deals
If you are looking for something to buy a reenactor or you’re wanting to offer suggestions to people who may be buying for you, we thought we’d point you to some deals we’ve seen online for Cyber Monday.
Cumberland Goes to War 2009
From November 6th to the 14th, Cumberland, MD held its second ‘Cumberland Goes to War’ event to commemorate the city’s part in WWII history. While there were activities occuring all week, I attended only on the weekend of November 7-8. This weekend was also the first time that I spent the whole event in my…
Victory at Old Bedford Village – Report from the Front Lines
The following is an email that we received from Roger Kirwin, the director of Old Bedford Village regarding the efforts to save the Village over the past few months.The Reenactor Post is proud to be a supporter of OBV and we salute them on their success in keeping the doors open! Dear Jim, Good to…
Troops and trains – Strasburg PA 2009
Bill and Linda Donegan file this report on the “Troops and Trains” event at the Strasburg, PA Railroad attraction. Linda and I made our yearly pilgrimage to Strasbourg, PA for the “Troops and Trains” living history event on November 6, 7 and 8, 2009. Surprisingly, I took few photographs this year, because my impression was that of a…
Old Bedford Village Saved!!
This just in: According to reliable sources (Grossdeutschland and the Federal General’s Corps) the Bedford County Commission has rescinded the tax assessment on the Village, which will allow it to continue its great work! I will get more details this week at the WWII reenactment at OBV. Jim
Veterans Day Special: Remagen and its Bridge
This Veterans Day we here at Reenactor Post would like to share how one young person is honoring veterans with his Social Studies project. Josh Baroni is a 6th grade student in Marion County, WV. His project “The Bridge at Remagen” won at his school and will be heading to the Marion County Social Studies…
Soldiers’ Christmas at Ft. Mifflin
Thanks to Chris Barebo for this notice. Sounds like a nice one-day event for reenactors in the Philadelphia area. – Ed. EVENT: Soldiers Christmas at Fort Mifflin. WHEN:Friday, Dec. 4th from 5:00pm to 10pm. LOCATION: Fort Mifflin, Fort Mifflin & Hog Island Rd., Philadelphia, PA 19153 Phone: 215-685-4167 CONTACT: Lee Anderson for more details: leeanderson@fortmifflin.us…