• Reading Airshow

    Reading Airshow

      The following is a report by our correspondent, Eric Rowan: Reading, Pennsylvania Mid Atlantic Air Museum 22nd Annual WWII Weekend June 1st – June 3rd 2012   For twenty two years, the Mid Atlantic Air Museum in Reading, Pennsylvania has hosted a WWII weekend. I was able to attend the 22nd annual reenactment, and…

  • Ostfront – Odessa, NY, April 2012

    Ostfront – Odessa, NY, April 2012

    Submitted by Correspondent Mike Momot (Misha) I took part in this event for the first time held annually in Odessa, New York and hosted by Scott Thompson and Fusilier Bataillon 272. I was joined by, 193rd Rifle Division member, Phil Zimmer. He distinguished himself well in his first battle. We fell in under the 9th…

  • Movie Reviews – Something Different

    On those occasions that I review movies here, they are generally new releases. This is a little different. A few months ago, while hanging around Walmart to get my oil changed, I saw a DVD collection of war movies in the $5.00 bin. The title was “War Movies (WWII Collection)” Since it had 20 old…

  • Newville – March 2012

    Newville – March 2012

    It’s February, 1943. The invincible German juggernaut isn’t so invincible now, but it is still dangerous. The Red Army is gathering its forces, setting the stage for what will later in the summer result in the great battle of Kursk. But for now, the lines are static, the nights are cold and the bleak silence…

  • Capital Wing of APS Dinner

    Capital Wing of APS Dinner

    Submitted by Bill Donegan: When Linda and I were shopping at the FIG/Gap we ran into Bill and Sharon Krause, who are members of the Capital Wing of the Airmen’s Preservation Society (as the name suggests they are aviation oriented). We have been running into them for half a decade at USO dances and other…

  • Torgau – Meeting on the Elbe

    Torgau – Meeting on the Elbe

    Submitted by Bill Donegan: Torgau 1945 It is good that Linda and I have been working out on the treadmill every day for months, and using the weight room. We do it to keep in shape for tactical. We had no trouble at Bedford last week-end. The only physical problem was that Linda wore a…

  • Meeting at the Elbe – Old Bedford Village 2012

    Meeting at the Elbe – Old Bedford Village 2012

    On the weekend of February 25, 2012, the 2nd Gebirgs once again sponsored their annual ‘Meeting at the Elbe’ event at Old Bedford Village. This is always a good event and everyone seems to have fun. There was a shortage of Allies this year, as the Germans seemed to outnumber the Americans (and one lone…

  • Fort Indian Town Gap 2012 – Another Perspective

    Fort Indian Town Gap 2012 – Another Perspective

      Bill Donegan sends us the following report on his activities at the Gap: A funny thing happened this year on the way to the GAP. Jim Barnes picked us up at our motel to take us to dinner. It was dark and Jim was not sure of the best way to exit the parking…

  • Gap – 2012

    Gap – 2012

      Another January, another Gap. It is always one of the few things to look forward to during the deep winter… not that this has been much of a winter. Friday, I ran into a little falling snow on the way, but that quickly dissipated. The skies on Saturday were mostly clear and while walking…

  • Events for the New Year

    As we enter a new year, let’s take a look at some of the upcoming events for the next couple of months: January 2012 WWII – Battle of the Bulge Reenactment, January 25 – 29. Ft. Indiantown Gap PA. Contact: http://www.wwiifederation.org/index.html February 2012 WWII – Elbe River Event, February 25, 2012, Old Bedford Village, Bedford,…

  • Mission to Moscow

    Mission to Moscow

    Always on the lookout for something new to do, I spent the last two weeks of November in Moscow, Russia. Needless to say, there is some history there. One of my stops was at ‘Victory Park’ which commemorates the victory over Nazi Germany in WWII. Unfortunately on the day I was there, the main museum…

  • Troops and Trains II

    Troops and Trains II

    Here is Part two of  Bill’s report on Troops and Trains: Following our train ride with the Federal Generals, we returned to the museum to guard tables for the Nowacks (WW2 Army Air Corp, and Homefront), as well as Greg Hall (Vietnam display). On the walk back we spoke German to some tourists who could…

  • Troops and Trains 2011 pt. I

    Troops and Trains 2011 pt. I

      Bill and Linda Donegan attended the annual Troops and Trains event in Strassburg, Pa over the weekend of November 5th. Here is their report:   Strasburg, Pa November 4, 2011 had dinner with Dave and Lois Nowack. Saturday November 5,2011 we had breakfast with the Nowacks.  Linda and I dressed in Civil War attire and…

  • Book Review – “Those Who Dare”

    A few months ago, I received an email from a publisher’s representative asking if I would be interested in getting an advance copy of a new book about WWII. Naturally, the prospect of getting something for free caught my attention and I replied that I would. After some wait, I got the book and dug…

  • Ike Farm 2011

    Ike Farm 2011

    On the weekend of September 17th, I had a lot planned. Some friends had asked me to accompany them to an airshow at Martinsburg in the eastern panhandle of West Virginia.  This was an opportunity to visit some good friends and take in an attraction that I had not seen before. As anyone who watches…

  • New Oxford 2011

    New Oxford 2011

    The following is an account of the ‘Liberation of New Oxford’, which occurs concurrently with the Ike Farm living history. Another bravura effort by our tireless Bill Donegan: Linda and I found another great WW2 event just 9 miles east of Gettysburg. It is New Oxford. The scenario is Alsace being first deserted by German…

  • Trolly-la-la-la


    The Pennsylvania  Trolley Museum near Washington, Pa. held it’s annual Antique Trucks and Trolleys event on Sunday, August 28. The 28th Infantry set up a living history display as usual and a fine time was had by all. This is a fun event with a lot happening for everyone involved.  Naturally, there are trolley rides…

  • Tank Farm 2011

    Tank Farm 2011

    The Virginia Museum of Military Vehicles  ( aka ‘The Tank Farm’) in conjunction with the American Wartime Museum, held its annual open house August 19-21 at its site near Nokesville, VA. This is an amazing event for no other reason than that it features so many vintage military vehicles in running condition, many of which…

  • D-Day Ohio 2011 report

    D-Day Ohio 2011 report

    Our correspondent, Bill Donegan reports on the recent D-Day reenactment in Conneaut, Ohio: We had a meeting of paradigms this past week-end at D-Day Ohio, Conneaut, for sure. First we had invited our friends from the Reading Air Show, Dave and Lois Nowack, to attend. Dave was one of the downed US airmen trying to…

  • A New Interpretation of the History Channel

    As my regular readers know, I ran out of patience with the so-called  “History Channel” a long time ago. However, I may have been wrong…the following is an careful analysis of that channel’s programming which seems to put it all into focus. Thanks to our newest contributor, Justin Eubank: If you’ve ever watched the History…

  • Remagen Reenactment – 2011

    Remagen Reenactment – 2011

        Bill Donegan (aka. Helmut Heudlass) reports from the front at Tidioute, PA on this past weekend’s reenactment of the capture of the Ludendorff Bridge by American forces. I was wounded on the eastern front and was sent to Remagen to the hospital to recuperate. When released from krankenhause I was permitted to stay…

  • Rowlesburg Volume II

    Rowlesburg Volume II

    Patricia Patterson is one of our most creative and original contributors. Here are her musings on the Rowlesburg event. I was thinking about the standard AAR template, and then ever the curious researcher, I read a variety of reenactor AAR’s just for grins.  I read some of the past AAR’s, some of my own, many…

  • WV’s Real American Hero

    WV’s Real American Hero

      The following was submitted by our correspondent, Matt Gillespie: WV’s Real American Hero Recently I attended the WV American Legion Boys State Camp at Jackson Mill WV and met Hershel Woodrow “Woody” Williams, West Virginia’s only surviving Medal of Honor recipient.  Mr. Williams is a regular visitor to the Boys State yearly one week long patriotic camp sponsored…

  • Reading Volume II

    Reading Volume II

      The Mid-Atlantic Air Museum’s WWII weekend is one of the two biggest events that I attend annually. There aren’t a lot of shows that offer such a combination of lot’s of WWII aircraft, reenactors and militaria vendors. Unfortunately, the show has been increasingly mired in complaints from the reenactors about their treatment at the…

  • First Report from Reading

    First Report from Reading

        The following is a review of  last weekend’s Reading Airshow by our correspondent, Mike Momot: Hello all, Richelle did a wonderful job with the registration process.  I felt this worked quite nicely.  It certainly would have been better to have later registration hours Thursday and Friday nights for those coming from far away,…

  • Reenactor Shopping

    Reenactor Shopping

      One of the neat things about doing a 20th Century impression, is the availability of items from that time period, pretty much under our noses. Antique shopping can provide a wealth of useful material and be fun as well. The Donegans recently scored big. Here is Bill’s account: Here is a shopping tale about…

  • Military Through the Ages 2011

    Military Through the Ages 2011

    This year, I attended my third ‘Military Through the Ages’ at Jamestown Settlement. For those of you who have not attended this event, it is a high-quality, prestigious time-line event. Since it takes place in the environs of the reconstructed Jamestown Settlement and museum, it is doubly interesting. As usual, there were a wide variety…

  • Newville Eastern Front Event 2011

    Newville Eastern Front Event 2011

    On March 11-12, 2011, the 193rd Rifles and the German WWI group, Fusilier Regiment Nr 90, sponsored what has become an annual event at the GWA site at Newville. This time, it was a spring 1945 scenario. For those of you have never been there, the GWA site is an amazing place. No other reenacting…

  • War Poems

      We received the following poems from Diane Watson, whom the Donegans met at the U.S. Christian Commission Chapel service in Gettysburg a few weeks ago. Anywhere Close I’m wearing Blue, my Brother’s in Gray He left when the conflict arose I love the Union, he disagrees We’ll talk when he’s anywhere close.   Saw…

  • Meeting at the Elbe – OBV 2011

    Meeting at the Elbe – OBV 2011

    The 2nd Gebirgs once again hosted their Elbe River event at Old Bedford Village on the weekend of February 19, 2011. This is always a well-run and fun event and this year was no exception. The event commemorates the meeting of Soviet and American troops at the Elbe River near Torgau, Germany in April, 1945.…

  • Uncle Luck — One of Our Correspondents is Published

    If you are passing by the local newstand this week, you might check out the latest issue of  “America in WWII” magazine. Our intrepid traveling correspondent, Bill Donegan has an article published in the latest Issue. Titled “Luck Was On Our Side,” the article recounts the adventures of his uncle, Lester L. Call, who served…

  • Report II from FIG/GAP 2011

    The following is Bill Donegan’s report on this year’s FIG event from the perspective of the German chaplin: Report from FIG/GAP 2011 I was glad to have been at the GAP again this year. I am glad also that it was not too cold. I wish to thank Pete and Kate Gentry, and Brad and…

  • Upcoming Events – February and March

    Things have been slow on the blog for the last month or so, due to real-life job responsibilities and a lack of events to cover. Hopefully that will be changing now.  With FIG over, the reenacting season is starting to crank up.  Here are some events coming up in the next couple of months: February…

  • GAP 2010

    GAP 2010

    January 25th through the 28th saw me once again trekking up to Fort Indiantown Gap for the annual Battle of the Bulge reenactment/ living history extravaganza/militaria vendor mall. As usual, it was a large affair with a lot of activities for the WWII living historian. This year, for the first time, I got there on…

  • A Reenactor on Film

    A Reenactor on Film

    It is always cool when knowledgeable living historians get to work with a film project and are able to help the producers ‘get it right.’  The following is a conversation that Bill Donegan had with Reenactor par excellence, Jenna Onuska on the Wehrmacht forum regarding a film project in Maryland: Jenna: My 15 minute claim…

  • Old Bedford Village – East Front Tactical 2010

    Old Bedford Village – East Front Tactical 2010

    The annual Fall Eastern Front event was held at Old Bedford Village on the weekend of November 12-14. This year offered an interesting  change from the usual format. Rather than just a series of firefights between the combatants, this year involved a day-long scenario in which German units (in this case, Grossdeutschland and 11th Panzer)…

  • PA Trolley Museum 2010

    PA Trolley Museum 2010

    Another post that is a ‘little’ late. It has been a very busy Fall. On the weekend of September 11-12, the PA Trolley Museum near Washington, PA hosted the annual Antique Truck Show. As is customary,28th Division, 110th RCT, K Company,set up a WWII living history display as part of the show. As I have…

  • Topkick’s Military Museum – Worth the Drive

    Topkick’s Military Museum – Worth the Drive

    For the last two years, I have talked about making the trip to Petersburg, WV to see Topkick’s Military Museum, but have not made it. on September 24, 2010, I finally made it. While it is a bit of a hike from my home to Petersburg, the trip was definitely worth it. The owner, Gereald…

  • Ike Farm – 2010

    Ike Farm – 2010

    I attended the Ike Farm WWII Weekend on September 18. This was the first time in several years that I had gone and pleasantly, it seemed that it had grown since the last time I was there, although, it may just be that I can’t remember that much about the last time. There were two…

  • Williamsport WWII Event 2010

    Williamsport WWII Event 2010

    The following report was submitted by correspondent Bill Donegan: Williamsport 2010 Event This year’s living history at Williamsport began with Kim sending me an e-mail message telling me that they had a “PACKARD” for me, for the parade. I misread it thinking it said package. I had a big laugh when Linda pointed out my…

  • Russian Mosaic Festival 2010

    Russian Mosaic Festival 2010

    This was submitted by Reenactorpost Correspondent, Mike Momot: The Russian Mosaic Festival 19 September 2010 Penn’s Landing, Philadelphia, PA The Russian Mosaic Festival is a celebration of Russian life and culture and includes the many republics of the former Soviet Union. People come from far and wide to celebrate in the festivities at this fine…

  • A Working Visit to the Tank Farm

    A Working Visit to the Tank Farm

    This one is a little late, but it has been a busy summer and fall (so far). On July 12-13, Bill Donegan and I drove to the Virginia Military Vehicles Museum to work as volunteers. The ‘Tank Farm,’ as it is also known, is located near Manassas, Virginia and contains an amazing collection of 20th…

  • Criticizing a Reenactor for His/Her Impression

    Over the past week, there has been a lot of press over the membership of Republican congressional candidate, Rich Iott’s membership in a midwestern German reenacting group, SS Wiking. Articles in the online version of the Atlantic and numerous other websites usually refer to Iott taking part in ‘Nazi’ reenactments. Apparently the Allies weren’t there…

  • The Longest Weekend, D-Day Ohio Pt. II

    The Longest Weekend, D-Day Ohio Pt. II

    Here is the second installment of Bill’s D-Day Journal: Following a hearty breakfast at the hotel, Linda and I arrived at the German/French camps around 0900. I was living history with Gilbert, John, Ray, Jim, Ron and Roger at the German camp while my wife and Debbie Wenig were living history at the French camp.…



    This in from Bill Donegan: This is a report on what Debbie Wenig has dubbed “The Longest Week-end” Three West Virginia Gebirgsjagers and two wives traveled from Charleston, Fairmont and Morgantown WV to attend this years re-enactment of the Normandy invasion. Jim Barnes, Morgantown, was the first one to arrive early on Friday and was…