Tag: world war two
Houston Freedom Fest
The Houston Freedom Fest was held on July 3rd, 2010 in the park behind the American Legion in Houston, PA, and is sponsored by the Central Christian Church of Meadowlands. The 28th Infantry, Co. K was invited to attend and set up an encampment. We all got to the park Friday evening and set up…
Rowlesburg WWII Weekend
On the weekend of June 19, 2010, Rowlesburg, WV and the Greatest Generation Society held their annual WWII Weekend. This is one of my favorite annual events for a number of reasons, not the least of which is the hospitality of the event sponsors and the community. We were provided with a spaghetti dinner on…
Reading Airshow 2010
Another June, another Reading! For any readers who don’t know, Reading Airshow is the largest gathering of WWII reenactors and enthusiasts on the east coast, with the possible exception of the Gap. There is no other gathering of this many WWII aircraft in one place, of which I am aware. The 193rd Rifle Division has…
Local Events You Don’t Want to Miss!
I wanted to give everyone a quick preview of some great events coming up in North Central West Virginia over the next few months. First of all, is the 5th Annual WWII Living History Weekend in Rowlesburg, WV on the weekend of June 19, 2010. This is West Virginia’s premier WWII event. Located in the…
MTA 2010 – Beautiful weather- Great time!
The title says it all. March 20-21 was a great weekend for the annual Military Through the Ages event at Jamestown Settlement. Despite having been out at Newville the previous week and dreading the 7-hour drive, I still felt compelled to attend. I’m glad I did. This was even better than last year. I don’t…
Fire and Rain – Newville 2010
James Taylor may not have been at Newville this past weekend (March 12-13), but there was a lot of firing and plenty of rain…not to mention mud. Despite this, the hardy reenactors who ventured out into the trenches seemed to have a rip-roaring time. The event at the Great War Association site was sponsored by…
Old Bedford Village Tactical Event -February 2010
On the weekend of February 20th, I accompanied Bill Donegan to Old Bedford Village for the second annual ‘Elbe Crossing’ event, sponsored by the 2nd Gebirgs. Yeah, I know there are those who can’t stand Elbe events because this sort of contact between Soviet and Western Allied forces during the war was extremely rare, and…
Fort Indiantown Gap – 2009
The 2010 reenacting season kicked off for me and many others with the annual Battle of the Bulge reenactment at FIG. Once again I rode along with Bill and Linda Donegan, who were kind enough to chauffeur me where I needed to go. I went as Volkssturm this year and was housed with the German…
Movie Review – 36 Hours
If we run short of new historically-based movies to review, there are always plenty great old ones to rediscover. This is one that I had somehow missed but recently was pleased to pick up. It was made in 1965 and stars James Garner, Rod Taylor and Eva Marie Saint. Shot in black and white, it…
Eastern Front – Old Bedford Village 2009
On November 13-14, German forces once again occupied Old Bedford Village and were confronted by the inexorable tide of the Red Army. This was of course, the annual fall battle between Grossdeutschland Division and the 193rd Rifle Division. Other groups in attendance included 11th Panzer (and one Bulgarian) on the Axis side and the 9th…
Cumberland Goes to War 2009
From November 6th to the 14th, Cumberland, MD held its second ‘Cumberland Goes to War’ event to commemorate the city’s part in WWII history. While there were activities occuring all week, I attended only on the weekend of November 7-8. This weekend was also the first time that I spent the whole event in my…
Troops and trains – Strasburg PA 2009
Bill and Linda Donegan file this report on the “Troops and Trains” event at the Strasburg, PA Railroad attraction. Linda and I made our yearly pilgrimage to Strasbourg, PA for the “Troops and Trains” living history event on November 6, 7 and 8, 2009. Surprisingly, I took few photographs this year, because my impression was that of a…
Soldiers’ Christmas at Ft. Mifflin
Thanks to Chris Barebo for this notice. Sounds like a nice one-day event for reenactors in the Philadelphia area. – Ed. EVENT: Soldiers Christmas at Fort Mifflin. WHEN:Friday, Dec. 4th from 5:00pm to 10pm. LOCATION: Fort Mifflin, Fort Mifflin & Hog Island Rd., Philadelphia, PA 19153 Phone: 215-685-4167 CONTACT: Lee Anderson for more details: leeanderson@fortmifflin.us…
HEAVY METAL – The Tank Farm 2009
For a real living history experience, it would be hard to beat the Tank Farm event. RKKA reenactors usually don’t get to play with the big toys, like the Fritzes and the G.I.s. Here we not only got to be tank riders on a real T-34, but we had another one as the backdrop for…
S.S. John W. Brown Nov. 7 cruise will honor women veterans
This just in from Patricia Patterson: Sept. 22, 2009 S.S. John W. Brown Nov. 7 cruise will honor women veterans The active Liberty Ship SS John W. Brown will honor women in the American military past and present on Saturday, November 7, 2009 in its annual Veteran’s Day cruise in Baltimore harbor. The Nov. 7…
Portersville Steam Show – 28th Infantry Living History
The weekend of October 3 and 4 marked the first time that Co. K of the 28th Infantry Division, 110th Regiment, participated in the Portersville Steam Show at Portersville, Pa. This is a very nice event which is put on by the Northwest PA Steam Engine and Old Equipment Association Inc. It offers an opportunity…
Review: 1940’s House
Some years ago, when the “Reality Show” craze was picking up steam, PBS and the BBC fielded a few entries which dealt with historical subjects and required modern families to experience the lifestyle and, often, deprivations which previous generations had experienced. In 2001, the BBC released this entry in the “Reality” genre, which featured a…
OBV Guest Review II
This is the 3rd in a series on Old Bedford Village. After Action Report Alt Bedforddorf By Bill Donegan Feldwebel Matt Santos and two jagers of 5/.Hochgebirgsbataillon 4, after marching to the outskirts of Alt Bedforddorf, found an abandoned farm house on the eastern edge of the village, and settled in for a rest. Feldwebel…
OBV Guest Review I
This is the second in a series about Old Bedford Village. This one is from our correspondent, Nick Korolev: OLD BEDFORD VILLAGE 1940s WEEKEND This was a unique and wonderful experience for myself and friend Rick “Byrdie” Byrd. We are both Civil War living historians and reenactors who belong to the Federal Generals Corps (first…
Restaurant Review By Bill Donegan
I had a wonderful time at “The Alpen Hof German Restaurant†on Saturday night June 6, 2009. The Alpen Hof is located on Morgantown Road in Reading, Pa. It is only three miles from the Mid Atlantic Air Museum. The occasion for my being there was that our German reenacting unit “The Kaiserlautern Volks Sturm 
Rowlesburg WWII Living History
Just a reminder that the 4th annual Rowlesburg, WV WWII Living History event will take place on this coming weekend, June 26 and 27. This is a fun event and extremely Reenactor-friendly. If you are not signed up as a participant, then make plans to come as a spectator. It’s a small, laid-back, but quality…
Gallery: WWII Living History & Reenacting
Various and sundry pictures from reenactments and living history events.
Arthurdale Heritage: 1940’s Valentine’s Day “Canteen Danceâ€
1940’s Valentine’s Day “Canteen Dance†On Valentine’s Day, Arthurdale Heritage will be hosting a 1940’s style dance; complete with the swing music from the Big Band era! WWII Reenactors in uniform very welcome! Date: Saturday, February 14, 2009 Time: 7-10 pm Arthurdale Center Hall, Arthurdale, WV Music provided by Freedom & Pride – DJ &…
New England Eastern Front Event, 2008 (Submitted Event)
Earl F. Leavitt Jr. & Jim Forster Present: NEW ENGLAND EASTERN FRONT EVENT, 2008 Location: Haydenville, Mass. When: Friday 24 Oct. 3PM/ 1500hrs. Property open for early arrival, Overnight camping. If you are not familiar with the location please arrive before 8PM to insure you are camping in the right place! Saturday 25 Oct. Registration…
Rowlesburg, WV 2008
On June 29, we exhibited at Rowlesburg, WV. We set up our Soviet exhibit. World War II Reenacting/Living History is a relatively new segment of the hobby in West Virginia, but it is growing in interest in the Reenactor community and also is attracting the interest of the general public. Rowlesburg, WV puts on a…