Ike Farm – 2010
I attended the Ike Farm WWII Weekend on September 18. This was the first time in several years that I had gone and pleasantly, it seemed that it had grown since the last time I was there, although, it may just be that I can’t remember that much about the last time. There were two…
Williamsport WWII Event 2010
The following report was submitted by correspondent Bill Donegan: Williamsport 2010 Event This year’s living history at Williamsport began with Kim sending me an e-mail message telling me that they had a “PACKARD†for me, for the parade. I misread it thinking it said package. I had a big laugh when Linda pointed out my…
Russian Mosaic Festival 2010
This was submitted by Reenactorpost Correspondent, Mike Momot: The Russian Mosaic Festival 19 September 2010 Penn’s Landing, Philadelphia, PA The Russian Mosaic Festival is a celebration of Russian life and culture and includes the many republics of the former Soviet Union. People come from far and wide to celebrate in the festivities at this fine…
A Working Visit to the Tank Farm
This one is a little late, but it has been a busy summer and fall (so far). On July 12-13, Bill Donegan and I drove to the Virginia Military Vehicles Museum to work as volunteers. The ‘Tank Farm,’ as it is also known, is located near Manassas, Virginia and contains an amazing collection of 20th…
News from the Front – Tank Farm Event – 2010
The following is a report from our intrepid correspondent, Mike Momot: The Tank Farm†Nokesville, Virginia, 21-22 August 2010. This event is located on the grounds of the Virginia Museum of Military Vehicles. This event was attended by members of the 193rd and many other reenactment units. WWII, Korea, Viet Nam, the Cold War, and…
Old Bedford Village Living History 2010
Old Bedford Village has been described as the ‘Jewel of Reenacting’ in the Mid-Atlantic region, and I certainly agree. One of the premier events that I look forward to each summer is the annual OBV 1940’s weekend. It is always laid-back, interesting and fun. This year was no exception. Between John Niemiec, Craig Hall and…
Rowlesburg WWII Weekend
On the weekend of June 19, 2010, Rowlesburg, WV and the Greatest Generation Society held their annual WWII Weekend. This is one of my favorite annual events for a number of reasons, not the least of which is the hospitality of the event sponsors and the community. We were provided with a spaghetti dinner on…
Reading Airshow 2010
Another June, another Reading! For any readers who don’t know, Reading Airshow is the largest gathering of WWII reenactors and enthusiasts on the east coast, with the possible exception of the Gap. There is no other gathering of this many WWII aircraft in one place, of which I am aware. The 193rd Rifle Division has…
MTA 2010 – Beautiful weather- Great time!
The title says it all. March 20-21 was a great weekend for the annual Military Through the Ages event at Jamestown Settlement. Despite having been out at Newville the previous week and dreading the 7-hour drive, I still felt compelled to attend. I’m glad I did. This was even better than last year. I don’t…
Old Bedford – The Axis Perspective
Here is a report on the OBV tactical from the German perspective by Bill Donegan: Report of Elbe Tactical. It was cold enough to freeze the _____off a brass monkey at Old Bedford last week-end Feb 20, 21, 22, 2010. Thanks goes out to Gilbert White, Roger Bombard, Ray Partenheimer, the Second Gebirgs and Et…
Old Bedford Village Tactical Event -February 2010
On the weekend of February 20th, I accompanied Bill Donegan to Old Bedford Village for the second annual ‘Elbe Crossing’ event, sponsored by the 2nd Gebirgs. Yeah, I know there are those who can’t stand Elbe events because this sort of contact between Soviet and Western Allied forces during the war was extremely rare, and…
WWII – Two Upcoming Events
After you get done with all your shopping at FIG, it will be time to start getting ready for the first two Eastern Front events in the southern PA area. The first is: The Elbe Crossing February 20, 2010, at Old Bedford Village. The scenario is the final days of the Reich. All Allied units…
WWII -Ostfront 2010 – Lugoff, SC
We have received the following information on the February Eastern Front event in South Carolina: This is a brief message about the Lugoff, South Carolina, Eastern Front event to be held FEB. 19-21, 2010. The hosting units for both sides are: IR134 (German) and the 13th Guards (Soviet). Registration 1200 Friday – 0800 Saturday $15…
Eastern Front – Old Bedford Village 2009
On November 13-14, German forces once again occupied Old Bedford Village and were confronted by the inexorable tide of the Red Army. This was of course, the annual fall battle between Grossdeutschland Division and the 193rd Rifle Division. Other groups in attendance included 11th Panzer (and one Bulgarian) on the Axis side and the 9th…
Cumberland Goes to War 2009
From November 6th to the 14th, Cumberland, MD held its second ‘Cumberland Goes to War’ event to commemorate the city’s part in WWII history. While there were activities occuring all week, I attended only on the weekend of November 7-8. This weekend was also the first time that I spent the whole event in my…
Victory at Old Bedford Village – Report from the Front Lines
The following is an email that we received from Roger Kirwin, the director of Old Bedford Village regarding the efforts to save the Village over the past few months.The Reenactor Post is proud to be a supporter of OBV and we salute them on their success in keeping the doors open! Dear Jim, Good to…
Portersville Steam Show – 28th Infantry Living History
The weekend of October 3 and 4 marked the first time that Co. K of the 28th Infantry Division, 110th Regiment, participated in the Portersville Steam Show at Portersville, Pa. This is a very nice event which is put on by the Northwest PA Steam Engine and Old Equipment Association Inc. It offers an opportunity…
Old Bedford Village – A Call to Action
The following letter forwarded to the 193rd Rifle Division requesting help and support for the Village: Dear Bob, I’ve just received our date to go before the Bedford County PA review board over these property taxes: Oct 29th at 9am. This is a ‘Call to Quills’ as part of a timed and measured response prior…
Philadelphia Russian Mosaic Festival 2009
Thanks to Correspondent Mike (Misha) Momot for this article on this recent, fascinating event: Russian Mosaic Festival 2009 September 20th was this year’s date for the annual Russian Mosaic Festival. Part of a series of ethnic culture festivals held at Penn’s Landing in Philadelphia. The 193rd Rifle Division was once again in attendance to help…
OBV Guest Review I
This is the second in a series about Old Bedford Village. This one is from our correspondent, Nick Korolev: OLD BEDFORD VILLAGE 1940s WEEKEND This was a unique and wonderful experience for myself and friend Rick “Byrdie” Byrd. We are both Civil War living historians and reenactors who belong to the Federal Generals Corps (first…
Old Bedford Village Living History August 2009
(This is the first in a series this week about the WWII event at Old Bedford Village this past Weekend.) Old Bedfore Village had its annual 1940’s weekend over August 8 and 9 and this year was bigger and better than ever. There was a greater diversity of Reenacting units than ever before. In particular,…
Upcoming Event – Old Bedford Village
Sorry for a lack of posts this week. I just got back from Maine and am getting ready for the Old Bedford Village WWII living history this upcoming weekend. There will be much to write about next week. Speaking of OBV, this is a great event and I can’t recommend it enough. If you are…
Memo From a Timeline Event Coordinator
Our staff received this intercepted memo from a source who shall remain anonymous: Dear Reenactor, Living Historian, Living Historical Reenactor, We have received your registration for our 7th annual “Timelines Through The Ages and Ages” event, and your letter of complaint. We do not refer to our Revolutionary War reenactors as “cross-dressers”. There is a lace issue, but…
Gallery: WWII Living History & Reenacting
Various and sundry pictures from reenactments and living history events.
Event Notice – Odessa Eastern Front Event 09
There will be an East Front event held at the Odessa site on April 24-26, 2009. The event fee is $20.00. There will be no vendors, however there will be blank ammunition for sale. The hosts will be furnishing firewood and Porta-potties. Bring your own food and water. The ground will be too soft for…
Old Bedford Village November 2008
The weekend of November 21-22 saw another edition of the annual Fall Eastern Front reenactment at Old Bedford Village near Bedford, PA. As many of you know, OBV, a recreated historic village, is an outstanding location for living history events and reenactments for various time periods. The management at the site has an excellent attitude…