Tag: Reenacting
Documentry Film Site
I received this email from Liz Cook regarding an internet site which allows viewers to watch documentary films for free. I checked it out and it looks fascinating. There may be something there that interests you: Hope this email finds you well. As you can see from my email, I work for SnagFilms, an online…
WWII -Ostfront 2010 – Lugoff, SC
We have received the following information on the February Eastern Front event in South Carolina: This is a brief message about the Lugoff, South Carolina, Eastern Front event to be held FEB. 19-21, 2010. The hosting units for both sides are: IR134 (German) and the 13th Guards (Soviet). Registration 1200 Friday – 0800 Saturday $15…
Eastern Front – Old Bedford Village 2009
On November 13-14, German forces once again occupied Old Bedford Village and were confronted by the inexorable tide of the Red Army. This was of course, the annual fall battle between Grossdeutschland Division and the 193rd Rifle Division. Other groups in attendance included 11th Panzer (and one Bulgarian) on the Axis side and the 9th…
Cumberland Goes to War 2009
From November 6th to the 14th, Cumberland, MD held its second ‘Cumberland Goes to War’ event to commemorate the city’s part in WWII history. While there were activities occuring all week, I attended only on the weekend of November 7-8. This weekend was also the first time that I spent the whole event in my…
Victory at Old Bedford Village – Report from the Front Lines
The following is an email that we received from Roger Kirwin, the director of Old Bedford Village regarding the efforts to save the Village over the past few months.The Reenactor Post is proud to be a supporter of OBV and we salute them on their success in keeping the doors open! Dear Jim, Good to…
HEAVY METAL – The Tank Farm 2009
For a real living history experience, it would be hard to beat the Tank Farm event. RKKA reenactors usually don’t get to play with the big toys, like the Fritzes and the G.I.s. Here we not only got to be tank riders on a real T-34, but we had another one as the backdrop for…
Portersville Steam Show – 28th Infantry Living History
The weekend of October 3 and 4 marked the first time that Co. K of the 28th Infantry Division, 110th Regiment, participated in the Portersville Steam Show at Portersville, Pa. This is a very nice event which is put on by the Northwest PA Steam Engine and Old Equipment Association Inc. It offers an opportunity…
Old Bedford Village – A Call to Action
The following letter forwarded to the 193rd Rifle Division requesting help and support for the Village: Dear Bob, I’ve just received our date to go before the Bedford County PA review board over these property taxes: Oct 29th at 9am. This is a ‘Call to Quills’ as part of a timed and measured response prior…
Philadelphia Russian Mosaic Festival 2009
Thanks to Correspondent Mike (Misha) Momot for this article on this recent, fascinating event: Russian Mosaic Festival 2009 September 20th was this year’s date for the annual Russian Mosaic Festival. Part of a series of ethnic culture festivals held at Penn’s Landing in Philadelphia. The 193rd Rifle Division was once again in attendance to help…
Ike Farm 2009
Our intrepid correspondents, Bill and Linda Donegan travelled to the Ike Farm event at Gettysburg last week and reported on the happenings there. (We are having technical difficulties with photos. There will be several more added at a later date.) Here is the report: IKE Farm Report The United States Department of the Interior (National…
Old Bedford Village Guest Review III
Submitted by Patricia Patterson, this is the fourth in a series on Old Bedford Village: Friday morning dawned clear and cooler than expected, not that I was up at dawn, but none-the-less, so it was. I drifted into the day slowly having found out that we could not set-up until after 1700. I was having…
OBV Guest Review II
This is the 3rd in a series on Old Bedford Village. After Action Report Alt Bedforddorf By Bill Donegan Feldwebel Matt Santos and two jagers of 5/.Hochgebirgsbataillon 4, after marching to the outskirts of Alt Bedforddorf, found an abandoned farm house on the eastern edge of the village, and settled in for a rest. Feldwebel…
OBV Guest Review I
This is the second in a series about Old Bedford Village. This one is from our correspondent, Nick Korolev: OLD BEDFORD VILLAGE 1940s WEEKEND This was a unique and wonderful experience for myself and friend Rick “Byrdie” Byrd. We are both Civil War living historians and reenactors who belong to the Federal Generals Corps (first…
Old Bedford Village Living History August 2009
(This is the first in a series this week about the WWII event at Old Bedford Village this past Weekend.) Old Bedfore Village had its annual 1940’s weekend over August 8 and 9 and this year was bigger and better than ever. There was a greater diversity of Reenacting units than ever before. In particular,…
Upcoming Event – Old Bedford Village
Sorry for a lack of posts this week. I just got back from Maine and am getting ready for the Old Bedford Village WWII living history this upcoming weekend. There will be much to write about next week. Speaking of OBV, this is a great event and I can’t recommend it enough. If you are…
WWII Living History – Brownsville Steam and Gas Assn.
This past weekend was National Road Festival weekend for the communities along Rt. 40 in Pennsylvania. I fell in with the local 28th Infantry Co. K for a living history encampment as part of the festival. We set up at the Brownsville Steam and Gas Association’s fairgrounds located 4 miles west of Brownsville, PA. There…
Battle of Lewisburg
Next weekend, May 15-17, 2009, the Reenactment of the Battle of Lewisburg will be held in that picturesque southern West Virginia town. The reenactment will portray the engagement between Union forces commanded by Colonel George Crook and a larger Confederate force under Brigadier General Henry Heth on May 23, 1862.
Old Bedford Village Threatened?
Here is a report I just got from Stacy Roth regarding a possible threat to one of our favorite reenacting venues: Old Bedford Village. It sounds like some overzealous local official saw an opportunity to make a quick buck, even if it runs the Village into the ground. Guess the geniuses in the tax office…
Civil War reenactment causing division
From Appleton, Wisconsin,(Courtesy of WLUK-TV Channel 11) March 12, 2009: Reporter: Evan Perrault APPLETON – It’s a war that divided the nation, now it seems to be dividing parents and administrators in the Appleton School District. “Hopefully we can get people to change their minds,” said Theresa Kersten. “This is 20 minutes of a living…
Historic Village Restoration Threatened with Closure
The following is reprinted from the Plainview (NY)Â Old Bethpage Herald: County Cuts Threaten Local Closings Old Bethpage Village Restoration in Jeopardy of Closing By Denise Nash Nassau County Executive Thomas Suozzi last week addressed the county’s budget woes and outlined a plan to close an unexpected budget gap that could be as high as…
WWII Reenactor Shot and Killed by Seattle Police
I saw a reprint of this article in today’s local paper and looked it up on the The Seattle Times online. This was obviously a tragic occurrence for all involved. I felt this would be of interest to everyone who reads this blog. Police kill man dressed as German soldier in U-District Seattle police shot…
In Winter Quarters – Getting Your Kit Ready for Spring
Okay, the holidays are over and winter yawns before us. What to do with all that time? Freeze your butt off outside? Not me. After you repair your tent loops and replace the glass in that candle lantern, how about working on improving your impression before spring gets here? I submit for your consideration, a…
Review: The Battle of Shaker Heights
I recently rented a movie titled “The Battle of Shaker Heights” which I had heard was about reenactors. As most of us know, movie companies use reenactors in their productions, but actually making movies which feature reenacting as part of the plot is a fairly recent development. So, I was curious to see what this…
Skirmish Magazine
Many of you may be familiar with the British living history publication Skirmish magazine. For those who are not, I would like to recommend it as an interesting alternative to your usual reenactor literature. I recently started getting it and have been impressed with the quality. How I got to this point, however is a…
Why You (We) Do This III
In the last series of posts on this subject, one of our contributors mentioned the occasionally heard complaint that reenactors glorify war. Probably most folks in the hobby regard this as being unfair and misguided and slough it off as a as another example of ignorance on the part of the general public. This is…
Why Do We Do This?
This week, on the eve of the Droop Mountain reenactment, I want to start a discussion about the value of reenacting and living history. Why do we do this? This is a question that usually pops into your head when the wind has just blown over your tent fly and everything you own is wet.…
Droop Mountain cleanup
The semi-annual Droop Mountain cleanup took place this past weekend in preparation for the reenactment weekend on October 11-12. About a dozen WVRA members and friends from the Stonewall Jackson Reenactment unit participated in what could have almost qualified as an episode of ‘Axemen’ (and women). A couple of dead standing and numerous fallen trees…
Old Bedford Village August 2-3, 2008
Old Bedford Village in Bedford, PA held its annual WWII living history weekend on this date. The weather cooperated and the event was, as usual, a fun, laid-back affair. Reenactors present were primarily: German from the Grossdeutschland Division and 9th SS; Soviet, from the 193rd Rifle Division and 150th Guards; and American Seabees. There were…
Reenacting in West Virginia
Throughout the ninties, Reenacting grew in West Virginia, as it did in the rest of the country. Since the beginning of this decade, there seems to have been a downturn, at least for Civil War Reenacting, which has traditionally been the largest segment of the hobby. Events seem to draw fewer participants and those groups…
Gettysburg 2008
Watching the defeated Rebs Gettysburg 2008 was quite an event! This was the biggest reenactment that this author has attended in years. It seems like there has been a general downturn in reenactor participation at events over the last couple of years and I’m not sure that gas prices are the only reason. At any…