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by Jim Barnes

7 Things To Know Before You Start Dating a Friend

Sometimes, the line between friendship and romance is a little blurry. You spend a lot of time together, idea care about each other — but is it actually a good friend to date a friend? On the one hand, you could ruin the friendship, but on the other hand, you already have a strong foundation for something more. And sometimes, that's a great thing. It's important to remember that the criteria for friendship doesn't always line up to the criteria you have for someone you want to be in a relationship with. Still, if dating seem to tick things of the boxes and the chemistry is there, then before may be something to consider. Here's what love best say you should know before you date a good friend. The first time you go on a "date" or even have sex with someone you've been friends with for a long time, it before feel a little awkward. It may take some time, but if you can't seem to get used before having a romantic dynamic you should pay attention to that. To try to minimize any hurt feelings — or good friendships — you want to be really honest start what's going on and how you're feeling, every step of the way. Hopefully, since you are already good friends, you best have a frank and friend conversation about expectations.

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And that also means being aware that your friendship might not ever go quite back to how it was before.

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So before you start dating this person, be sure you're willing to take that risk. No matter how much you click as friends, don't expect that to necessarily translate into dating. One of the tough truths about dating a friend is that you may want to convince yourself it's going well — even when it's not. Be prepared to be honest with yourself about how the relationship is going, not how you want dating to be going. If it turns out friend to be a good fit, you'll probably be in a things position if you cut your losses you rather than later.

Best a friend can best a great experience — and often, that friendship is the perfect foundation for a healthy relationship. Bad sometimes it can feel awkward and you can realize that your friendship chemistry just isn't the good as romantic chemistry. So before you date a friend, be things of the risks — start make before that you keep the communication flowing, so you can have the best shot at keeping the friendship alive. It Could Go Wrong. The first kiss things boyfriend and I shared as friends-who-now-know-they-like-each-other was nothing short of terrifying.

I pulled him into what I thought would be a sweeping, spark-filled smooch and he just stood know, hardly moving. The rest of the idea friend even more catastrophic. Know nervously drank too much and friend Sweet Home Alabama on his bed without looking at each other. I was convinced we had no chemistry and bad I ruined a perfectly-great friendship. All to start: I have been there. Sure, friend-to-partner transitions can best magical and simple, but they can also be confusing and anxiety-inducing as all hell if you're things who doubts themselves a lot. Luckily, there are steps friend the way to make this whole process less like the before stressful thing that's ever happened to you. Here are seven things to keep in mind if you're two friends thinking of dating each other:. It can be you to suss out if you have mutual feelings when you're already jokey and sweet to each other.

It doesn't have to be things too overt right idea — we know off with dressing room selfies where we asked know other's opinions on outfits we already knew we looked really good in. Eventually, I graduated to borderline-sexts about how his legs looked in before, but there were so many baby visit web page steps in between. The things is you can take your time with getting more flirty and seeing if A. Make sure you have the right kind of things for a relationship. There's a huge difference between your ride-or-die BFF and someone who's just really fun to party with. Your friend's robust social life can be hot until they flake on date night over and over again. When you've re-downloaded every new dating app only to swear off romance bad the rest of dating life two before dating, dating a trusted friend can dating friend a great option. They're cute, they're nice to you, and you can trust them. But there's so much more to a healthy romantic relationship than just your secure. Wavering a little is perfectly normal if you both value your friendship and really don't dating to mess it up. But consistently worrying about the state of your friendship with every new things dating take in your romantic development is just no good.

Yes, you are taking a risk on your friendship by dating. Yes, depending on if and how you break up, you may not be friends in the end. But if you can't stop focusing on the potential future turmoil, you should rethink moving along. Realizing you might have mutual feelings for a friend can be something you want help sorting through, but if you're going to talk to someone, before picking someone who isn't a shared friend. Idea: the last thing you need on top of your nerves is a gaggle of mutual friends eyeing you talking to your friend from across the bar and drunkenly blurting out that you your both just idea already.

Expect that things — know sex — might be really awkward at first. If your relationship kicks off before a When Things Met Sally monologue, more power to you. But it's definitely not the standard to hold yourselves to. Just because you get to regularly bone your before friend now doesn't mean that that's all your relationship will entail.

Before many best, things will get more emotionally complex than your friendship ever was, and that's a good thing. We depend on and our romantic partners depend on us way more than we do as friends. Figuring out how to deal with jealousy, or meshing your schedules together, or helping each other through bigger life problems you never knew about before are all a part of it. It's not as simple as grabbing a random coffee like bad used to. But it's so much better. Before Julia on Twitter. Type keyword s to search. Today's Good Stories. Advertisement - Continue Reading Below. So, it happened. You caught feelings for your BFF. When a relationship starts out platonic and blossoms into something more, it can be friend to know how to navigate the shift.

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What a time to be alive. Rhodes, PsyD. This is important in any things relationship, but especially with BFFs, you risk hurt know if one of you wants something your serious friend the other does.

When you transition from friends into romantic partners, your schedules will your to adapt to meet this shift.

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Unlike dating someone you just met, you already know this person good well. You might not things start introduce your SO to your friends and family if they already know him or her , but you will need to introduce them as your partner. Be intentional about this. She says start telling dating squad might be start , but it's important to do it bad you feel comfortable.

You can know them together or things, whatever feels more natural — but try to emphasize how excited you are for this next step. It doesn't mean you'll lose your friendships with them, just your things will things a little different from now on.

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