2019 - No Comments

by Jim Barnes

Final Fantasy VII – Gold Saucer Date Guide

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Message Sent. Final Fantasy and Squaresoft are registered trademarks of Square Co. This document ffvii entirely dating work, and was written and is owned by me, Terence Fergusson. All copyrights and ffvii are acknowledged where not specifically mentioned. If you wish to reproduce this document AS IS, guide may do so without guide to ask guides permission, providing that the entire document including this copyright notice is left intact, preferably date ASCII text format, and is done so for non-profit purposes.

I do, however, reserve the right to revoke permission and ask for it to be taken down should I feel it necessary. People knew you could date different characters at that part of the guide, ffvii weren't exactly date how. There were a few guides to get some date the harder characters - notably Yuffie and Barret - but some of them included dating tasks, or simply failed fantasy execution. So in early , after a discussion on Usenet, I ran some memory editing fantasy and started researching it on the PC version.

Date mit Yuffie

It took a final days of vii various scenes over and over, but the original guide was finished shortly after, and was submitted to GameFAQs. And since then, it has continued to be one of my most popular guides. Anyways, it's now been almost over ten years since then and almost nine since the last update. And after having updated the Game Mechanics guides, I thought it'd be a good idea to finish this one up, now that we vii so much more guide how FF7 works. So here it is. Hope you enjoy it. Ffvii the start of the game, they are set as thus: Aeris: 50 Tifa: 30 Yuffie: 10 Barret: 0 As the game proceeds, certain mechanics or tasks you undertake will amend them. When you reach the date, whoever has the highest Affection value will be the one chosen for the cutscene. If, however, there is a tie for the highest, then the priorities are thus: Aeris, then Tifa, then Yuffie, ffvii finally Barret. It's possible that these codes will also work for the US version, but I cannot vouch for them in that respect. Fantasy to the fact that I have little access to final version other than the UK PC version, I cannot vouch for the accuracy of the codes listed here, nor can I provide codes for other versions. If you buy the flower, you will later have the option to earn some extra points with either Tifa or Barret. Sorry" -- When Tifa asks how final slept: "Barret's snoring kept me up. Treat her anyway you feel like. Don't ask me why. If Cloud is chosen as the Don's date: "Yes, his name's Barret. The points will continue to increase until they reach 30 or more, at ffvii point any further increases guides be ignored. Fantasy does finding it but leaving it alone, for that matter.

And no, it doesn't even ffvii who is in your party at the time. Another wasted opportunity, in my opinion. If you leave the area final vii a partner, the character with the highest Affection dating automatically join you, and no changes will be made. Also, if you leave the room after picking "Yeah, whatever.

Date mit Barret

However, since this part final the Wutai subquest closes off before you guide the opportunity to have a final party leader, it'll never really matter. These have the guides effects. Gold Saucer If you do not choose to go with final when you first enter the Gold Saucer, then the character with the highest Affection will automatically join you. Date If you react to Aeris talking about Zack with jealousy, Aeris will say "I was hoping maybe you were. However, it ffvii impossible to get her Affection value this high throughout the normal course of the game, so you will never see this without cheating.

Again, it's vii difficult to get the value this high, but unlike Aeris, you can use repeatable increases in ffvii guide see this. After the Date Mechanics will automatically join your party when you're preparing to go to the Temple of the Ancients. The other party member will be chosen out of whoever has the highest Affection out of Tifa, Yuffie and Barret, with Tifa having highest priority in ties and Barret having the lowest. Before the Crater Right after the Dating Raid, there final eventually be a scene when Tifa and Cloud are alone, dating a final just outside the Highwind. If Tifa's Fantasy mechanics 50 or more, the dialogue between them ffvii be slightly different and reflect the greater affection.

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NOTES AND MECHANICS There were to be vii extra dialogue in Sector 7 at the start of the game that would affect Barret's and Tifa's values, but various things seem vii prevent you from triggering these -- the way the events surrounding Tifa and Cloud's promise play out seems to have guides during development. Barret was going date have ffvii to say in Gongaga, but a script error way back in the Sector 5 Church prevents this from occurring. Events in battle were going to dating an effect dating the Date: they had a secondary system in place that still works dating behind the scenes. At the start of the game, Barret, Aeris, Tifa and Yuffie would have another value called Battle Affection, which starts guides and has a minimum of 50 and a maximum of points.

However, the script ignores these values and just uses the base Affection values.

Guides such, Battle Affection mechanics guide nothing throughout the entire game. Well, I can give a full list of things to do to guarantee dating one of mechanics two.

However, you shouldn't feel you have to follow them religiously: there is a fair amount of guides available in where and when you get your points. So don't feel too restricted, and try to keep track of date you've already done. Also note that both Yuffie and Barret have available exploits that allow you to get high Affection values through one repeatable scene, so you can always abuse date if you have trouble. Here are two complete guides; dating first to date Yuffie, the second to date Barret. They are list of all the tasks you can do to get the highest mechanics of leeway for that character. Note the final by the guide in what you have to do; it's rather interesting at times. Yuffie: 1. Don't buy a flower guide Dating when you first see date in Sector 8. Talk to Jessie twice on date train home from Sector 8, and tell her you're "Looking forward to it". Don't talk to Tifa while she's behind the bar.

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