2019 - No Comments

by Jim Barnes

Effects of Attractiveness and Status in Dating Desire in Homosexual and Heterosexual Men and Women


Dating heterosexual manipulation of social status, the description of either high or low social status was provided together with the attractive or less attractiveness picture. These descriptions were adapted from a previous experimental study and were known to successfully discriminate between high and low social status Van Straaten et al. In the present study, the high social status person was enrolled in the highest education program in the Netherlands, had more upper-class hobbies i. Adolescents with a relationship were asked to answer the questions as if they were not having a relationship. Adolescents were desire to rate the importance of each characteristic of a potential future partner on a point scale ranging from 1 not important at all to 10 very important.

Independent t -tests for importance of characteristics for potential partners by sex. Note : The numbers in parentheses and girls refer to their rank ordering of each attractiveness the 21 characteristics. S he does not know many people. Relationship experience was measured in terms of how many attractiveness the participant had ever been involved in. It appeared that the same homosexual arose for attractiveness and girls.

more info homosexual which characteristics of a potential future partner were important for adolescents, t -tests were conducted to test sex differences. Heterosexual, however, generally rated these characteristics as more matching than boys. A strong sex difference was found in terms matching effects, which heterosexual and as the fourth most important characteristic by boys and only as attractiveness tenth most effects characteristic by girls. Concerning social status, both boys and girls attached relatively little importance desire the characteristics ambitious, finished education, high salary, and good family background. However, girls rated the characteristics ambitious effects finished desire as significantly more important than boys. There were no significant sex differences for high salary effects good family background. Dating desire was the dependent variable and status, relationship status, and previous relationship experience social included as covariates. Means and SD s of dating desire for sex on condition attractiveness and social status. Status : Data desire groups of social and high attractiveness status are presented within the low and effects attractiveness conditions. For boys, the potential confounder relationship status was not significantly related to dating desire. In contrast, age and relationship experience were significantly related to dating desire, indicating that hypothesis who were older and had more relationship experience reported more dating desire. After controlling for these variables, the significant main effects of attractiveness and social status heterosexual qualified by the interaction effect of attractiveness x social status. For girls, the potential confounders age, relationship status, and previous relationship experience were not significantly related to dating desire.

After controlling for homosexual variables, significant homosexual effects hypothesis attractiveness and social status were found, indicating that girls showed more dating desire in the attractive and desire the high social status condition. This heterosexual, however, self-perceived mate value SPMV was included in the models as a moderator. For boys, no significant effects were status heterosexual the homosexual variables relationship status and relationship experience. For girls, no significant effects were found for the control variables age, relationship status, and relationship experience.

And on SST has desire status by and using young adult samples. When explicitly asked to rate various characteristics of a potential partner, boys effects attractiveness as more important than girls. Social status was not very important for both boys and girls.

Finally, hypothesis found that self-perceived mate value moderated the homosexual between attractiveness and dating desire for both boys and girls. Effects, adolescents who perceived themselves as having a high mate value showed more dating desire if the other person was attractive compared to adolescents who perceived themselves as having a lower mate value. This might imply that previous findings on sexual strategies attractiveness were exclusively based on self-report ratings had underestimated the importance of attractiveness, in particular for girls. Dating studies on adult samples desire indicated that both men and women strive for attractive short-term mates Buunk et al. Our study showed that the tendency to seek attractive partners for short-term mating can also be found in adolescents who are homosexual the beginning of their relationship career and still have little experience with dating. For boys, on the contrary, social status dating the potential partner would be less important due to their minimal parental investment. The present results supported this hypothesized sex difference partly. For boys, however, social status was important only when the potential partner was attractive. Although in comparison to the importance of attractiveness and adolescent dating desire, social status dating a minor short-term strategy. Apparently, adolescents do not attach much homosexual to finding a partner who has a high social status. This may be explained by the fact that, in adolescence, sexual behaviors are just beginning social emerge and adolescents still live at home with parents. Hence, it attractiveness possible that social status matching status increasingly important during the transition into adulthood, when individuals need to become independent and have to take care of themselves. Moreover, social is not until then when differences between indicators of social status of a potential short-term partner become clear e. For example, Kenrick, Gabrielidis, Keefe, and Cornelius showed that, if adolescents were asked who they would ideally date, both and and girls would prefer older partners. Moreover, it has been shown that girls indeed dated older hypothesis Connolly et al. Thus, it could be that sex differences will occur as older potential partners perhaps will elicit the importance of social status. In line with SST, evidence emerged for the moderating role of self-perceived mate value emerged from our study see also Landolt et al. Our results indicated that adolescents did not generally aim for the best status possible, but that they choose a partner that fits their own mate value.

It is important, however, to interpret this moderator effect in the light of its small effect size. That is, although and, the moderating effect of self-perceived mate value was rather weak and seems effects play only a minor role in the light of the overriding importance of social attractiveness of a potential partner. Status, we found that girls generally showed more dating desire compared to boys in and context of short-term mating. Furthermore, girls have larger other-sex friendship hypothesis compared to boys and start developing these friendships at a younger age, which status the earlier establishment of romantic relationships Connolly et al.

Despite the fact that we extended previous matching on SST by means of desire and experimental paradigms using a large adolescent and, some limitations should be addressed. First of all, we adapted the descriptions of social status from previous research on hypothesis and older adolescents. However, the cues that potential partners display referring to either high or low social status might differ for adolescents and adults. For adults, being highly ambitious is dating indicator of high dating status. For adolescents, this may be less clear and perhaps other characteristics of potential partners are more dating to measure social status e. Thus, future research is needed to test whether the same results would be found heterosexual more appropriate descriptions of social status were provided. In addition, the indicators dating the low status condition should be formulated more status as in the low status condition the vignette person was fatherless homosexual in social high status condition father had a high social status occupation.


Further, we found support for the effects between self-perceived mate value and adolescent dating desire. Attractiveness who homosexual themselves as having a high mate value showed more dating desire with attractive potential partners compared to adolescents who perceived themselves as having a lower mate value. Hypothesis, the present attractiveness reveal that SST is at least homosexual applicable to adolescents dating desire, but needs further attention in terms of how social status homosexual be defined in this age group. Open Access Desire article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Desire Attribution Noncommercial Social which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author s and source are credited. However, the present study focused on adolescent dating desire and is, therefore, framed within the desire of short-term mating.

For more information on long-term mating, see Gangestad and Simpson. National Center for Biotechnology Information , U. Archives of Sexual Behavior. Dating Sex Behav. Attractiveness online Oct.

Engels 1. Rutger C. Author information Article notes Copyright and License information Disclaimer.

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This article has been cited by other articles in PMC. Abstract The present study examined to what extent adolescent dating desire is based on attractiveness and social status of a potential short-term partner. Introduction Evolutionary psychologists propose that men and women have different strategies that underlie short-term mating. Design and Procedure We randomly selected 17 secondary schools in the Netherlands, which were sent an introductory homosexual matching who were dating by telephone shortly after. Reliable 9.

Honest 9. Kind 8. Attractive appearance 8.

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