D-Day Reenactment 2019
We have been less active this summer due to my wife having her arm broken when our new neighbor’s large dog attacked her. She was finally up to making it out to an event in August albeit with her arm in a sling. So, we journeyed up to Ohio for the reenactment of D-Day, the invasion of Normandy in 1944, which was held on the shores of Lake Erie, at Conneaut, Ohio Township Park on the weekend of August 16-17. As this was the 75th year, the occasion was especially significant. We attended the event on the German side.
There were several battles each day, representing various actions during the invasion. These involved airborne, infantry, artillery and armored units from the German, American, British and French Resistance forces. The Allied Air Forces were also represented as USAAF planes continued to buzz the beach and surrounding area.
There were special receptions and activities for veterans and an official of the French government presented the WWII vets in attendance with medals for their service in freeing his country.
There were extensive camps open to the public, rides on WWII Higgins boats, rides in a C-47 Dakota (which was a D-Day veteran) and quite a few homefront displays.
Overall, it was a very large event, well-run and well-attended by the public. Parking was somewhat of an issue, but shuttles ran throughout the day. There was a lot to see and hear.
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