As we enter a new year, let’s take a look at some of the upcoming events for the next couple of months:
January 2012
WWII – Battle of the Bulge Reenactment, January 25 – 29. Ft. Indiantown Gap PA. Contact:
February 2012
WWII – Elbe River Event, February 25, 2012, Old Bedford Village, Bedford, PA. regardless of the weather as usual. They still
have several buildings available and are currently accepting pre-registrations. As we speak, we have a few more in attendance this year
than last at this time. Just as a reminder, please bring PLENTY of ammo. Attached is the link for registrations and such.. For any questions, call: Roger Bombard at: 703-431-6843.
March 2012
WWII – February 1943 Tactical event. March 9 and 10. Newville GWA site. Sponsored by 193rd Rifle Division and Fusilier Regiment Nr. 90 re-enacting units. Contact John Niemiec at :     Download waiver
Timeline – Military Through the Ages, March 17 and 18 at Jamestown Settlement, Jamestown, VA.
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