William Donegan
The following was submitted by our correspondent, Bill Donegan:
This was the 14th annual reenactment of two early Civil War battles here in West
Virginia: the battle of Hurricane Bridge and Scary Creek. I have attended all
of them.
There are always a lot to do at this event: The Hurricane Civic Chorus presented
a concert of period music, followed by a reception and presentation of life in
the 1860s with a play at the community center. There was an artillery night
battle on Friday.
There were sutlers, army camps, dress parade, company drills, horse drawn wagon
rides, Abraham Lincoln and wife made presentations, there was a ladies tea,
military ball, and period church service, not to mention two battles. The only
down side this year was the very cold weather. Too cold for me and my
arthritis. I had to go awol from the battles as my left shoulder was giving me
fits. I also skipped helping with the artillery as they had more than they
needed for both battles.
My wife and I both participated in the military ball and the period church
service at which I sand a solo and led the singing. John Browning preached the
sermon. President and Mrs. Lincoln were in attendance.
Mrs. Lincoln is portrayed by Joyce Browning, Charleston, WV and Mr. Lincoln is
Fritz Klein from Springfield, Ill.
Attached are some photos from the ball. Note that the beautiful light blue gown is modeled by my wife Linda.
Bill Donegan
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