Smith House – Another Setback

More in from Karen Ramsburg. Apparently the Fire Department is not interested in working with anyone to save the house. Here is a report from the Chambersburg Public Opinion by Roscoe Barnes III (no relation).

“MERCERSBURG — A proposal by a local doctor to purchase and relocate the Smith House failed to meet specifications for a bidding process to remove the 275-year-old structure from a site owned by Mercersburg Montgomery Peters and Warren Volunteer Fire Company.

Fire company board member Joel Bradnick said the request by Dr. Paul Orange amounted to a memo and not a bid, as it did not meet the standard of competing bids. Bradnick said Orange failed to address additional requirements outlined in the legal notice about the bidding process.”

The article goes on to quote Karen as saying to the Fire Department Board:  “”Why are you hell-bent on tearing the house down when you have someone who is willing it purchase it?””

Despite public opinion and Doctor Orange’s offer to buy the house, which would cost the Fire Department nothing and would get the house moved out of their hair, they seem determined to behave irresponsibly, perhaps just to show that they are in charge.

For the entire story, see:






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