Happy New Year!

Thanks to  our readers for all your comments and contributions over the past year. 2009 was an up and down year for history enthusiasts. The country’s economic woes hit the reenacting community and made it difficult for quite a few to take part in the hobby to the extent they would like. We won a victory at Old Bedford Village, but still have a dicy situation in Mercersburg, PA. Still there were quite a few quality events of all types and more are on the drawing boards. Here’s hoping that 2010 will be a better year than last for reenactors/living historians of all stripes and time periods.

We hope to keep trying to keep improve this little journalistic endeavor as well and would like to include more time periods than just our usual WWII and Civil War coverage. If you know of an interesting event and would like to invite us to it, or write about it yourself, drop us a line. There’s no pay, but you do get your 15 seconds of fame!

May you all have a safe and happy New Year!

The Editors.



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2 responses to “Happy New Year!”

  1. Bill Donegan Avatar
    Bill Donegan

    Jim, This is actually wont to happen.


  2. Jim Barnes Avatar
    Jim Barnes

    Well, I guess that I want it to…

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