Old Bedford Village November 2008

The weekend of November 21-22 saw another edition of the annual Fall Eastern Front reenactment at Old Bedford Village near Bedford, PA.


As many of you know, OBV, a recreated historic village, is an outstanding location for living history events and reenactments for various time periods. The management at the site has an excellent attitude toward reenactors and goes out of the way to make them feel welcome.

The event is sponsored by Grossdeutschland, which is one of the largest, if not the largest German groups in the east. The Russian Motherland is defended by the 193rd Rifle Division and comrades from several other Guards and Rifle units. This year, the early winter weather gave the event more of an Eastern Front feel than usual, especially when the firewood began to run low on Saturday evening.

As usual, I served on the mortar crew. Early Saturday morning, we set up on the edge of the large cornfield near the front gate. We spent a couple of hours lobbing rounds into a Fascist patrol in the cornfield which had pushed back our infantry screen. Eventually we were flanked and taken out by motorcycle scouts who flanked us.

We then took up positions in a redoubt which has apparently been built for 18th and 19th century events. As the redoubt only had two sides, it was vulnerable and as a result, it too fell to a German flanking maneuver.

In the afternoon, we fought through the town and eventually the Fritzes made a run for the bridge across the river. As we hastened to cut off their retreat, Starshina Pertsov took a bad spill on the gravel street and severely cut his head. This resulted in a trip to the ER and several stitches. He was later awarded a wound stripe for his sacrifice.

That night at the communal dinner, (very tasty, I might add) one of the GD members reported on his visit to Stalingrad (now Volgagrad). As the real 193rd was heavily engaged there, we were particularly interested in his story. He had a number of pictures of various important sites and well as a sample of soil that he took from the site. Everyone found his story to be moving.

Overall, it was a good weekend and an enjoyable opportunity to see old friends. There was no polka band in the tavern after dinner this year, but that was the only real downside for me.

Thanks to John Niemiec and Mike Momot for additional pictures

Mortar Crew
Mortar Crew
Red Army troops standing guard
Red Army troops standing guard
Fascists interrogating prisoner
Fascists interrogating prisoner

Comrade Maxim
Comrade Maxim
Lou's store
Lou’s store

Vadim's Store
Vadim’s Store






4 responses to “Old Bedford Village November 2008”

  1. Misha Avatar

    Hi Jim,

    Thanks for the props on the photos. It was surely feeling like Eastern Front weather, especially that 18deg Sunday morning. I must admit to not feeling my toes as I waited at the edge of the corn field for the Fritzes on Saturday, however. Taking out the MG was my only consolation as well as you and John nailing the Fritzes by mortar fire behind the shelter in the open field. I’m still scratching my head as to how they got around our Maxim out to our left to come up behind us at the redoubt!

    Our ceremony was a solemn affair with the soil bring back from Stalingrad. Very moving for me.
    Our toast at our awards presentation left me with the thoughts of brake fluid filtered through black bread…let’s just leave it at that! All in all (polka band, injuries, and Germans aside) it was a great event.


  2. Patricia Avatar



    I had a fine time at OBV despite a nasty sinus infection which kept me in the Isba after the first battle on Saturday.

    The comradeship and fun is always to be enjoyed, I so much look forward to the quality time we get to spend, the laughter and the knowledge we pass on to each other.

    The Starshina was wounded but managed to soldier on. The mortar crew are heroic as ever.

    I would urge all reenactors to consider a Russian impression. As we know, we have way too much fun.

  3. Linda Avatar

    It was again a pleasure to take the line with you and the rest of the mortar crew and hold against the fritzes. I still scratch my head over the flanking maneuvor at the redoubt – but we sold the Rodina for a high price indeed! And I could not hope for a better comrade in the village fight! I look forward to further action against our enemies.

    The Stalingrad ceremony put on for us by GD was moving and frankly awesome – as none of the original GD units participated in the hell that was that fight in ’42, it was a marvelous show of respect and care for the past – and touching that they shared with everyone the significance of the moment.

    I am sure the Starshina will remember that last attack he led us on for many years to come!

  4. Jim Barnes Avatar
    Jim Barnes

    Indeed! It must have been the ‘bloodiest’ charge in memory.

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