An Interesting Year

The Chinese are said to have an old saying that goes something like: “May you live in interesting times.” This is of course, a curse. I have had a very interesting and demanding year so far, and while it has not been cursed, it has gotten the way of my blogging. I hope to be be correcting this in the near future. Having somehow survived the 150th Bull Run/Manassas last weekend, I think the the most frantic points have passed. So, please hang in there and I hope to catch up on all the events and happenings that I have so far been unable to get into print.

Thanks for your patience.







One response to “An Interesting Year”

  1. Matt Gillespie Avatar
    Matt Gillespie

    Don’t feel bad Jim! If you didn’t get out and do things, what would you write about? I enjoy the reenactor post. You do a fine job.

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