New Event Notice – Operation Market Garden

Operation Market-Garden Reenactment Memorial Weekend Hosted by: SS-Pz.Abt. 102, Aufklrungszug and 101st Airborne Division PIR 501 September 10-12, 2010 Scottdale , PA http://www.westover tonvillage. org Presented by the West Overton Re-enactor Society On September 17, 1944 thousands of paratroopers descended from the sky by parachute or glider up to 150 km behind enemy lines. Their goal: to secure bridges across the rivers in Holland so that the Allied army could advance rapidly northwards and turn right into the lowlands of Germany, thereby skirting around the Germans heavily defended Siegfried line. If all carried out as planned it should have ended the World War by Christmas, 1944. Unfortunately, this daring plan, named Operation Market-Garden, didn’t have the expected outcome. The bridge at Arnhem proved to be ‘a bridge too far’. After 10 days of bitter fighting, the operation ended with the evacuation of the remainder of the American, British and Polish Airborne Divisions from the Arnhem area. On the 66th Anniversary of the Allied drops, West Overton Museums presents the “Operation Market-Garden Reenactment and Memorial Weekend.” Come join us on September 10th, 11th, and 12th to experience this daring operation first-hand. Step through a time-portal as West Overton will be transformed into a Dutch Farm, circa 1944. Watch as the Allied Forces try to capture the Homestead and surrounding barns from German control. Walk around the static displays of weapons, vehicles, and equipment used during WWII. Enjoy food and drink from vendors that will be near Uncle Martins Company Store. Schedule and Advance Ticket sales will be posted at a later date. Any questions, contact the West Overton event coordinator by phone or email: 724-887-7910 info@westovertonvil westovertonreenacto rsociety@ westovertonvilla Allied Contact: Kevin Tabor: (412) 478-0349 Axis Contact: Nick Griffey: (412) 264-2407






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